Thursday, December 22, 2011

Paul is home!!!

So, they stopped the J-tube feedings yesterday and started a PPN (partial nutrition through IV).  That helped tremendously!  He is not having the nausea and vomiting issue like he was...

They put in his PICC line today and radiology had him drink the lovely contrast to see how he is doing.  They said he has some slow motility going on in his intestines.  Could be because of pain meds...anyway this could be another reason his body is rejecting the tube feeds into his intestine.  In addition, you could see that his intestines looked swollen.  He just needs time for the inflammation to go down... We will slowly be working on him eating each day.  Eventually, we need to get to the point that he can eat enough to sustain himself without the help of TPN or tube feedings.  Right now, we just need to focus on him getting strong enough to face chemo and radiation next month...that is where the TPN will help us!

Anyway, we were able to bring him home this afternoon.  He is so happy to be home.  The nurse came by tonight and helped us hook him up to his TPN and showed us how to take care of "things".  I am glad that another nurse is coming back tomorrow night to make sure we really know what we are doing!

The girls were so excited to see their dad!  It was a great Christmas present for me to be able to bring him home.  He is sitting in his new recliner (early Christmas present) and watching is so nice to see him sitting there!!!


  1. YAY!!! So glad he is HOME!!! LOVE you guys soooo much! *MUAH*

  2. Yea!!! We are so glad he recovering slow, but sure and so glad he is home for Christmas. Enjoy the holidays! WE all miss you at work Paul. Merry Christmas!!!

  3. We are so glad that you all received an early Christmas present...nothing better than being in your own home to rest and recover!

  4. Home for the Holidays!! Paul must have a whole team of guardian angels up there.



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